Change Your Character Syllabus |
L1 Introductions, intentions, agreements Intro to the I Ching Creating a True Intention, Yin and Yang: Binary Principles of Life, The I Ching & DNA
L2 week 1 Strengths and weaknesses Mapping the Obstacle Course Know the Black, Keep the White
L3 week 2 Set & Setting, Cleansing Detoxification, Purification, Initiating a Sacramental Experience
L4 Navigating an ibogaine Flood Dose Experience Awakening the Inner Shaman What’s Happening in my Brain and Body? The Metaphysical Journey
L5 Surrender and Receptivity The Masculine and Feminine Forces of Creation and Creativity The Art of Death & Resurrection
L6 Reconnecting with Unconditional Love Joy as Discipline A Disciple Uses Discipline, an Adept Adapts. What are you adept at? |
L7 Inner oppositions Outer oppositions Maleness and Femaleness the Cosmic Pair
MONTH 2 | ||||||
week 1 L8 Lecture by Lakshmi Narayan Balancing the Extremes that Cause Social Discontent , Creating A Plan for Success
week 2 L9 The Broken Word Profile of an Addict Childhood Trauma and It’s Effects
week 2 L10 Transcending Trauma with Entheogenic Journeying Lucid Shock: Healing not Reliving
week 2 L11 Re-sept or 7 The Hidden Half The Power of Gentlenessss Surrender to Receive
week 3 L12 When not to push The Power of Love and Rectification
week 3 L13 Traversing Blocks along the Way Finding New Techniques |
week 4 L14 The Power of Non-Doing Desisting Gaslighting: Why Do We Do It?
MONTH 3 | ||||||
week 1 L15 Lecture by Lakshmi Narayan Integrating the Return in Small and Large Ways
week 2 L16 In-tuition, Letting Yourself be Drawn, The Strength of Your Surrender
week 2 L17 The Many Ways Unresolved Trauma Shows Up in Your Life Fear is the First Door
week 3 L18 Facing the Shadow during a journey After-effects Aliens & Entities Good, Bad, and Indifferent Astral Attacks
week 3 L19 Gut Feelings & the Microbiome Looking at It Obliquely: How to Address a Psychological Problem with a Physical Strategy or vice versa Shock-ra
week 3 L20 •Repetition Strengthens Habits •A Right Beginning Leads to a Right Ending •A Strategy for when you feel hopeless Back to Intention
week 4 L21 •Changing a Lesser Habit •Make Food Thy Medicine •You Are What You Eat •Physical detox protocols for Heroin, Suboxone, Crystal Meth etc
MONTH 4 | ||||||
week 1 L22 Eternity of the End Being the Change Continuous Refinement of Character Enduring Setbacks Making Relationships Last
week 1 L23 Aligning with Greatness Consciously Making Your Word Good Integrity and Tensile Strength
week 2 L24 Humiliation creates Humility A Rogue Ant When should you advance and when should you lay low. The Power of non-Resistance
week 2 L25 What Happens During The Active Stage of an Ibogaine Experience?
week 3 L26
Online Breathwork Sessions Online Guided Meditation Session Online Yoga Class Online Cannabis Ceremony Online Dance Class
week 4 L27 Using a Physical Cleanse or Enemas to Releasing Excess on All Levels Overthinking and Underthinking-how to recognize it
week 4 L28 Emotional Alchemy Dietas and Their Purpose Surrendering to Intuition In-tuition– an evolving faculty
MONTH 5 | ||||||
week 1 L29
What Can You Reduce? What Will You Gain?
week 2 L30 You don’t know what you don’t know. ONLINE: Breathwork Session Guided Meditation Yoga Class Cannabis Ceremony Dance Class
week 2 L31 Detox Protocols Cleanses Meditations
week 3 L32 The Greater Nourisher Art Therapy Session Writing Worshop
week 3 L33 The O-position Understanding the Cosmic Forces Archetypes: What Are They?
week 4 L34 Accessing Clarity by Silencing the Mind Raise Your Resonance
week 4 L35 Joint Approach: When Yin & Yang, Left & Right act as one whole brain
MONTH 6 | ||||||
week 1 L36 Expanding the Accordion Fate & Fortune, Power & Purpose
week 2 L37 Looking at the Hologram from a High Place. Remembering the View when in a Low Place Understanding Ritual in the Moment Sacrament: Sacred Mind
week 2 L38 Epigenetic Healing The Entheogenic Understanding of Religion Christianity Buddhism Taoism Judaism Hinduism Islam
week 2 L39 Relationships and their Effect on Us Family Embryo of Society The Fragmented Family The Isolated Child
week 3 L40 Acting Often to Let Synchronicity Find You Energy Experiences Sweat Your Prayers
week 4 L41 Physical Emotional Spiritual What Work Would Feed All Three?
week 4 L42 Phoenix Rising Hero Returns Home A Cyclical Return
MONTH 7 | ||||||
week 1 L43 Overcoming Gloom & Doom with Intention Victim & Oppressor: A Dual Dynamic Within and Without
week 1 L44 The Nervous System Nervousness or Nirvana Cessation of the Ego Attention, Presence & Joy
week 2 L45 Communication & Community: Essential Parts of Healing
week 2 L46 “Pass around superfluous plates to those who have already had too much.” Taoist koan
week 3 L47 Being True to Yourself When You Are in the Abyss Just do the next thing
week 3 L48 “Deliver yourself from your great toe and then the companion comes.”
week 4 L49 Turning to a Just Arbiter Highhanded vs Cunning Meeting in the Middle
MONTH 8 | ||||||
week 1 L48 Reaching All the Way to the Water of Life What I learned about my Psyche from Fractals & Sacred Geometry
week 1 L49 Waiting for the Miracle to Come MDMA and Self-Love
week 2 L50 Be like Water, allow your level to rise.
week 3 L51 The cycles of Darkness and Light in the seasons and in the Self. How to be a Shepherd of your own Darkness.
week 3 L52 26 THE TAMING POWER OF THE GREAT Ayahuasca, the Little Vine of Death |
week 4 L53 The Noribogaine period and how to maximize its effects
week 4 L54 Developing a relationship to Nature, the Elements, Mushrooms and Nature
MONTH 9 | ||||||
week 1 L55 The Power of Forgiveness Integrating Christ Consciousness
week 2 L56 The Femi-nine Containing Chaos
week 2 L57 Lifelong Refinement Rediscovering Joy Everyday Cannabis as Entheogen
week 3 L58 Ice Flows that Separate Melt and Become One Again
week 3 L59 Meeting Evil Before It Manifests Noticing the Energy of Things |
week 4 L60 18 WORK ON WHAT HAS BEEN SPOILED Reverse Operation of the Sages
week 4 L61 When the Ego Dies It Doesn’t Hurt Reaching Deep Enough. Drawing it Up. Dispensing the Water of Life.