Introductions, intentions & agreements

Instructor: Lakshmi Narayan

Meet and Greet
Overview of the Nine I Ching Hexagrams and their 6 satellite hexagrams

month 1 week 1


Hexagram 10: Conduct

Hexagram 10: Conduct, Instructor: Lakshmi Narayan

Treading on the Tail of the Tiger
One and Zero: A Binary Pair
Right Way, Wrong Way
The Beginning Contains the End
Using the I Ching App
Setting Your Intention: Throwing a Hexagram

month 1 week 1


Hexagram 6: Conflict

Topics Guide

Strengths and Weaknesses
What is an Addict?
Mapping the Obstacle Course
Know the Black, Keep the White
Preparation, Navigation, Integration
Detox Protocols for Various Substances
Complementary Therapies
Breathwork, Meditation, Sound Healing


month 1 week 2


Hexagram 25: Innocence

Topics Guide

Set & Setting
Cleanliness is next to….
Preparation, Navigation, Integration
Detox Protocols for Various Substances
Complementary Therapies
Breathwork, Meditation, Sound Healing

month 1 week 2


Hexagram 1: The Creative

Topics Guide

The Ibogaine Flood Dose Experience
Awakening the Inner Shaman
What’s Happening in my Brain and Body?
The Metaphysical Journey
Preparation, Navigation, Integration
Detox & Nutrition
Psychedelic Assisted Therapy
Breathwork, Meditation, Sound Healing, Energy Work, Other


month 1 week 3


Hexagram 61: Inner Truth

Topics Guide

Surrender and Receptivity
The Masculine and Feminine Forces of Creation and Creativity
Preparation, Navigation, Integration
Detox & Nutrition
Psychedelic Assisted Therapy
Breathwork, Meditation, Sound Healing, Energy Work, Other


month 1 week 3


Hexagram 58: Joy

Topics Guide

Your Ecstatic Nature
Joy as Discipline
A Disciple Uses Discipline, and Adept Adapts
What are you adept at?
Preparation, Navigation, Integration
Detox & Nutrition
Psychedelic Assisted Therapy
Breathwork, Meditation, Sound Healing, Energy Work, Other


month 1 week 4


Hexagram 38: Opposition

Topics Guide

Trauma and Addiction
Inner oppositions, Outer oppositions: A Mirror
Preparation, Navigation, Integration
Detox Protocols for Various Substances
Complementary Therapies
Breathwork, Meditation, Sound Healing


month 1 week 4